If you suffering from the following conditions, we may have the solution!

  1. Pain or discomfort in or around the ear and jaw joint, neck
  2. Clicking, popping or grating in the jaw joint
  3. Locking jaw, headaches
  4. Limited or deviation during mouth opening.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD), are a common subgroup of orofacial pain disorders, often incorrectly referred to as TMJ. TMD is caused by multitude of factors which include injuries of the jaw and diseases of the jaw joint such as arthritis. Tooth clenching/grinding (bruxism), difficulty sleeping, head/neck muscle tension and emotional stress may be contributing factors in developing TMJ disorders. There are two basic types of TMD: muscle pain and jaw joint generated pain. Identifying the cause of the condition results in accurate treatment. If left untreated, TMD will cause severe joint and muscle pain which will severely impair normal function.

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