Sleep Apnea
Tired of Sleepless nights, we can help?
Do you keep someone awake at night with your snoring?
Are you experiencing fatigue, sleeplessness and even breathlessness?
These maybe warning signs that abnormal breathing is taking place.
Tired of Sleepless nights, we can help?
Do you keep someone awake at night with your snoring?
Are you experiencing fatigue, sleeplessness and even breathlessness?
These maybe warning signs that abnormal breathing is taking place.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by repetitive episodes of complete (apnea) or partial (hypopnea) upper airway obstruction occurring during sleep. This results in decreased oxygen levels in blood and disruption in the quality of sleep. As a result organs receive less oxygen supply resulting in heart and other organs stressed during sleep
What if OSA is not treated?
It causes day time sleepiness, fatigue, difficulty to concentrate, increased risk of accidents, headaches, feeling depressed. OSA is closely linked to other serious health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart disease, obesity, day time sleepiness. Treating OSA can reduce the severity of these conditions and can improve the quality of life. But not treating will result in serious life-threatening consequences.
How do I know if I have OSA?
Snoring during sleep, chronic day time sleepiness, gasping or choking during sleep, restless sleep. Most patients affected by OSA also suffer from other conditions like hypertension, diabetes, obesity.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea can be managed very efficiently with Oral appliances which are not only very comfortable to use, but are also silent and can be carried easily to any place you travel unlike the old CPAP appliances. CPAP appliances were considered the gold standard for treatment of OSA in the past, with the advent of FDA approved Oral Appliances, it is clear that they are better and more user friendly increasing the compliance rates in people suffering from OSA. At FRFD, we use oral appliances that are custom made for each patient in order to ensure a good fit. After evaluating patients by means of questionnaire, medical history, reading reports of sleep test we choose the oral appliance of choice which best suits them. We will work closely with sleep physician during diagnosis, treatment and also follow-up appointments when needed. After delivering the appliance, we provide patients with instructions and evaluate their progress during recall appointments.